Obtain an o-1a Visa

o-1a Visa Requirements and Process

Differences between O1A and O1B Visas

O1A and O1B Visas are two types of visas which allow foreign nationals to work in the United States. They

What is Required for an O1 Visa: Uncovering the Guidelines to Working in the US

Obtaining an O1 visa is a complex process, and to be successful, applicants should be aware of what is required.

Documentation Needed to Apply for an O1 Visa

Applying for an O1 Visa can be a daunting process! It requires a lot of documentation and paperwork, but with

O-1A requirements deep dive

Highly skilled professionals worldwide find working in the united states attractive. Those looking to succeed and stabilize in the u.

What is an O-1 visa?

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Due to the high standards required to demonstrate eligibility for o1 status, the regulations provide for evidence-intensive rules for o1